R & D Solutions for Government and Commercial Systems


OneLight Sensing, LLC (OLS) was formed in December 2021 by a spin-out of the Sensing Division from SA Photonics. OLS is a privately held, independent company located in San Jose, California. Providing the executive leadership of OLS are co-founders Jim Coward and Steve Yee. After co-founding SA Photonics and growing it to a very successful business, Jim and Steve are now looking to lead OLS to its own highly successful trajectory

OLS designs and delivers innovative solutions in the areas lidar and hyperspectral imaging, supercontinuum optical sources, and highly agile fiber-based laser sources. OLS leverages funding with strategic use of the Small Business Innovation Research programs (SBIR) for its product development research and development.


OLS was created by a spinout of the Sensing Division of SA Photonics (SA) in December 2021. SA Photonics was founded in 2002. SA utilized the SBIR program to bootstrap product development and then has been highly successful at transitioning the technology initiated under the SBIR contracts to commercially viable products in the areas of free-space optical communications, fiber lasers, optical sensors, and vision systems. In all, SA Photonics secured over $200M in contract R&D funding thus paving the path for SA to remain a privately held company and not require any outside 3rd party investment of SA. In December 2021, CACI International acquired the Communications Division of SA Photonics.


OneLight is developing advanced Optical and RF sensing systems for maritime, aircraft, terrestrial, and space applications



We design and build sensing systems and advanced fiber-optic lasers to perform a variety of applications. Our systems utilize OneLight’s intellectual property to achieve high accuracy and sensitivity with a high degree of configuration flexibility to enable multi-mission use … all while maintaining low size, weight, power, and cost (i.e. SWAP-C)



OneLight is developing advanced LIDAR  systems for maritime applications including ship-to-surface, air-to-surface, and for Underwater Unmanned Vehicles (UUVs).   The LIDAR systems leverage our core strengths of flexible output waveform MOPA fiber lasers as well high-efficiency optical wavelength manipulation to overcome the challenges of the marine environment.



OneLight is developing multiple products for aircraft applications. Our Next Generation laser designator systems for aircraft applications will improve range while also enhancing human eye safety. Our RF/Analog-over-optics system for helicopter rotors will improve the transmission of sensor information from the rotor blades to processing electronics.



OneLight has multiple products in development for terrestrial applications.  Our High Power Microwave (HPM) sensor system gives precision information on HPM attacks that would otherwise incapacitate standard electronic sensors by using OneLight’s RF-over-Optics capability  Our HawkEye hyperspectral imaging system can detect chemical/biological threats at unprecedented SWAP-C performance by utilizing the technology we are developing in conjunction with university experts.